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Lookup Your WSSC Water Account Number

Simply enter your street address (e.g. 123 Main Street) below to see your WSSC Water account number.
Enroll to Make a Payment and See Bill History
What is Account Status?
Account is currently active and being billed for water/sewer service.
Account is no longer active. This would be a previous account holder.
Account is no longer active, but the final bill balance hasn't been paid.
Pending Start
Account is in the process of being activated, pending a meter reading.
Pending Stop
Account is in the process of being stopped, pending a meter reading.
Account is no longer active, the final bill or payment has been cancelled.
What is Effective Date(s)?

The effective dates are when the account was/is active. For example, if the Account Status is "Pending Stop" with Effective Date(s) 09/17/2004 - 12/05/2022, then the account is currently in the process of being closed and service transferred to a new customer with an planned transfer date of 12/05/2022. The account was originally opened 09/17/2004 and has been active since that point.